Arrival & Dismissal Protocols


Little seal

Arrival & Dismissal Protocols

School Year 2024-2025

June, 2024

Dear Parent/Guardians,

I wanted to take the opportunity to provide our parents with information regarding the arrival and dismissal procedure here at P.S. 309. It is our goal each day to have your child arrive safely and return home safely. The policy will be in effect, we appreciate your cooperation and understanding regarding the updated protocols. Please review and adhere to the following school rules and/or procedures listed below:

Morning Arrival Procedures:

  • Please do not drop your child(ren) off at the school site BEFORE 7:30AM as the staff are not on duty until 7:30AM.
  • 7:30AM drop-off is at the Madison Street school yard for students in grades K-5.
  • Students in 3K, Pre-K & Kindergarten will arrive through the Early Childhood corridor; Exit 3 (first door closest to Madison and Ralph, near the small playground). The door will be open from 8:00AM-8:10AM.
  • Parents, please say goodbyes when you are dropping off, then immediately exit. The gates and doors will be locked at approximately 8:10AM; the main entrance will be open during the school day for parents and school visitors.
  • Any parent and/or adults entering the school campus for volunteering, conferences, meetings, events, etc. must always report to school safety to sign-in, then proceed to the main office.

Afternoon Dismissal Procedures:

  • Students in 3K and Pre- K will be dismissed through the Early Childhood corridor; Exit 3 (the first door closest to Madison and Ralph).
  • Pick up for all students in grades 1-5 is in the corridor between the gymnasium and cafeteria. Please enter through Exit 4 (the second set of doors on Madison Street).
  • New York Edge participants will be escorted to the cafeteria by designated staff members.
  • Parents, please do not pick up scholars before dismissal (1:50PM) to retrieve your child. In case of appointments or an emergency, please contact the school prior to pick up.

The staff and I truly appreciate your continued assistance and cooperation with maintaining a safe campus for all our children. I encourage you to contact me at your convenience, if you have further questions and/or concerns.

Educationally Yours,

Principal Jordan




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