School Policies & Procedures


Little seal

School Policies & Procedures


A standard Department of Education Discipline Code will be sent home under separate cover. Students and teachers will go over the Discipline Code on the day that it is distributed. Please go over the Code and advise your child to adhere to it. The NYCDOE Discipline Code is the document which dictates the appropriate consequence given to a student when he/she commits an infraction of the Code. We adhere strictly to the Code.

Chancellor Regulations


Change of Address or Phone Number

Because current information for each student is essential, please report all changes of address or telephone number (home, work and cell number) to your child’s teacher and/ or directly to the Pupil Accounting Secretary. Current information must always be on file in the main office. Please also provide us with an e-mail address that is checked frequently by you.


Emergencies and Illness

  • We must have an up-to-date, valid emergency card on file for each student at all times. These cards are distributed on the first day of school and must be returned on the second day. All information on the cards must be completed and kept up to date.
  • Emergency cards must indicate any custodial arrangements that have been made regarding the student. Names of all people who have permission to pick up the student must be listed on the card.
  • Food allergies are common in children. If your child has a food allergy, be sure to inform your child’s teacher and the school nurse. Also, please remind your child that sharing food at lunch is not allowed.
  • Emergency cards indicate a phone number where someone can be reached in person at all times. We must have access to a live voice on the other end of a call at all times.
  • Seriously ill students cannot remain in school. Please note that if your child becomes sick during the school day, someone must be available to come and pick him/her up from school.
  • No student may be released to someone whose name does not appear on the emergency contact card unless we receive notification in writing from a parent/guardian.
  • A P.S. 309 staff member will call you if your child becomes ill at school. No school employee can administer medication to a student (including aspirin, Tylenol, etc.), unless proper medical forms are on file with the school nurse.
  • If your child needs medication administered during the school day, or must keep medication at school (e.g., EpiPen, nebulizer, inhaler), please request a 504 form from the School Nurse. Medication can be administered to your child by the nurse only if the school has current forms on file. School staff members (including the school nurse) are not authorized to administer over-the-counter medications, such as Tylenol, allergy medicine, cough syrup, or eye drops, unless this information is included on a 504 form. Only the school nurse is allowed to administer approved medication -- never teachers or staff.
  • A doctor’s note is required if a student is absent for more than two days. (A phone call from a parent is required each day that a child is absent.)


Uniform Dress Code

  • Students should come to school each day wearing the school uniform. The school uniform consists of a light blue uniform shirt and navy blue pants/shorts/skirt/dress. Sneakers may be worn.
  • On days where students have Physical Education class, students may where navy blue sweatpants and students should wear sneakers.
  • We encourage parents to send children to school dressed in clothing that is comfortable and appropriate for all classroom activities. Shoes should allow children to run and play safely. Please discourage crocs, flip-flops, high heels, and smooth-soled shoes.


  • All visitors are required to show a valid identification card and sign in with the School Safety Agent at the building’s main entrance on Monroe Street. Upon signing in, all visitors will be given a pass.
  • All visitors must proceed to the main office (Room 110) upon arriving on the first floor. Visitors may not go directly to classrooms.
  • All visitors are to leave the building through the Monroe Street exit (main entrance).


Cell Phone Policy

P.S. 309’s cell phone policy, as reviewed by our SLT (School Leadership Team) is: Students may not bring their phones to school. PS 309 will not be held responsible for stolen or lost cell phones that are brought into the school building. In the event your child must bring a communication device to school, it must be turned off and kept in their backpack. Cell phones may not be used at all during the school day for any purpose including texting, making or receiving phone calls, photographing or internet access. As always, if a child needs to call home or a parent needs to contact a child during the school day (including recess time), all calls must be directed through the PS 309 main office (718-574-2381), and a staff member will be happy to assist.


Lost and Found

Students who have lost articles are to look for them in the lost and found located in the student cafeteria. It’s helpful to label jackets, lunchboxes, and backpacks with your child’s name—many of these items look alike! The lost and found box will be cleaned out at the end of each month. This handbook was designed to give you a brief idea of school routines, responsibilities, rules, policies and procedures. Please always feel free to contact the Parent Coordinator if you need clarification on anything contained in this handbook.



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